Sunday, August 23, 2009

We Have So Much. They Have So Little.

Along time ago, I got an e-mail from someone and in it were pictures of children with shoes like this...

While I was looking at the e-mail, I was glad the kid had a pair of shoes. But, what really got to me, is that these aren't shoes! They're water bottles! And I got to really thinking, that we, as people who live in th united states take way to much for granted. It's not hard to see that this world is greatly imbalanced. We are far to great of a country to not help these people. The Bible is dead on right when it says it is more blessed to give than to recieve. (Acts 20:35)

Day to day, week to week, I take things and especially people in my life for granted. Like my blog post a few days ago title 'I'll Do It..Tomorrow', I really need to work on not taking people for granted. I never know that when they walk out that door and I never see them again. They could get hit by some stupid driver who could care less about what they are doing.

I just found a picture on google of a young boy who looked like a teenager or pre-teen in search of food. I couldn't post it because this thing wouldn't let me. But, we take so much for granted. Like shoes, socks, bed, house, car, technology, cell phones, friends, family, pants, shirts, jewelry. It's too easy to take things for granted these days.

a challenge for not just you, but for me also. Treat people better, treat things better, cherish more moments. Starting, now.

I'll do it...TODAY!

I'll end this with a video from Hillsong United that I found on youtube:


  1. I don't remember the name but, a shoe company every time you make a purchase they either donate to help people in africa or they give them stuff. (I don't remember which,) At least they are taking the first step. (Which is more than any of us do sometimes.)

  2. The company is called: Tom or Tom's shoes, (Something like that.)
