Sunday, November 22, 2009

I gotta be honest...

I can't do this! I'm trying to start a campus ministry at my high school and from my mom, I get no support. None. notta. nothing. ziltch. el zipo. (spanish? haha) No, seriously, I HATE this! but I also LOVE it.

hate it because, I don't see how I can do this if NO ONE seems to be behind me... :/ I know there are other teenagers who are willing to do this CM with me... but, who stands behind us? Parents? Youth Pastors? Youth Leaders? Other Adults? Where are you guys at? I know there are some, and I thank God for them. What about the verizon guy and the loads of people who tell the guy with the phone that "You're covered"... who's gonna tell us "you're covered"? huh? Will you?

Starting a CM isn't easy, it's hard. I told my mom the other day because I told her I needed to print somethings (okay, under statement of my life.). So she asked I told her it's for a campus ministry I'm trying to start at the high school. What did she say in return? "Oh ok. cool" or something un-supportive along those lines. Not what I need or want to hear. saying 'oh ok. cool.' doesn't tell me you care.

Me and like 10 people are willing to do this. Willing to reach out to the lost, hurting, desperate teens at our high school.... I highly doubt the 'oh ok. cool' saying, will "push" us to go out there and SHRED THE GNAR for Jesus. That saying 'oh ok. cool' SUCKS. never use it again...ever. I mean it!!

Hopefully, we'll get approved and be able to start before January. I get to be the leader of it (awesomeness)!! With me as student leader, we're totally going to the malls (Independence mall and/or the Legends in KCK.) and totally shreddin' the gnar! I'm stoked to the extreme.

I (we teens) NEED people behind us telling us constantly that 'we're covered' and to challenge us and to "push" us like a coach pushes his or her team to go beyond their best on the field or court.

We have a challenge. To reach OUR high school campus with the message and mission of Jesus. Train teens to go and share Jesus...effectivly. Relational && Relentless. In Christ we ARE invincible.

Will you pray for us that we get approved to start a campus ministry? Will you pray the every student, before they graduate, hears about Jesus for who He truly is and not for what people view Him as? Pray for us as we go out the our mission feild and share the greatest ultimate love story ever known to man kind? The love of Christ for everyone. Pray, that I, as a leader of this awesome thing, doesn't loose her mind because she doesn't get support through her family, but that you will support her and tell her 'she's covered'? Pray for EVERY single Christian teenager on their campuses to effectivly share Jesus?! pray that we stay strong in Jesus and never lose heart. Just pray for me will ya? I didn't mention all of the prayer requests, but God knows them all.


  1. Katelyn,
    I am praying for you right now...that the Lord will surround you with like-minded teens with a burden to take Jesus to the Schools all across our land.
    Know that you are supported in prayer by adults...I understand a passion to share God's love with others and I'm thanking God for you, right now and praying Psalm 91 over you. God bless you for your perseverance and faithfulness to God and His call upon your life!
    Pressing on with you for your generation abd those that follow.
    Judy Layton @ The Sanctuary,

  2. Hey Katelyn Im a guy in a little town in canada trying to do the same thing. We have a large (25-30 person) youth group at our church, 12 or so go to my school but we're starting with 2 of us regularly, and 3 are sporadic. Our youth pastor told us to just be consistent, meeting every week, so we have for 2 months now, with no increase in numbers.
    We're not giving up though, we've got the group here for whenever God wants to do something amazing with it!
    We'll pray for you guys! I hope you'll pray for us!
