Saturday, October 31, 2009

Who Even Reads These Anyways?

No, seriously, who reads any of my blogs? I mean, it's just some teenager venting practically her life out there. To who? I don't know. Why do I even bother? I feel like I'm wasting time. Why do I even do any of this? Is it because of my divorced parents? probably. Is it because of broken relationships with my parents/ practically entire family? probably. Either way, Why am I doing any of this?

I have had ENOUGH with life for awile. No, I'm not suicidil or however the heck ya spell it!! I have had enough with it already. I'm sick 'n tired of public high school. I hate having divorced parents. I'm starting to get bored with Kansas City. I'm scared for my best friend....she's prego and if her biological dad finds out, he will kill her. I hate homework. I want to be homeschooled (online). I want to start a campus ministry but I'm too worried about too much other crap to bother with getting one started. Oh and I'm a daddas' girl livin with mom in Kansas City...

To be honest, I don't even know if I want to even try to get a CM started at my high school... I just don't know anymore. when is enough finally enough? I just wish I could close my eyes and everything would be the way God wants it to be... )':

People (mainly mom) have been SOO oblivious to me that they don't even seem to care. That might have came across wrong... but, what I mean is, well, I don't really know..

Who is even going to read this? I don't think this'll matter to anyone.

I can't really concentrate on/at school because of the things I listed above. How am I supposed to concentrate when I get to school, I'm still the same person.... home situations effect school. I'd like to think teachers knew this and acknowledged it if they did.

I feel like I wasted my time typing that. I'm hurting. bad. Does anyone hear me? :'/ I don't know what to do/ who to go to...what to say....etc. I don't know. anymore. I'm tired and empty. This life is relentless..

Please, tell me why I even bother writing. anything.

online high school? what the heck am I thinking? Who am I fooling? oh yeah, me. great. another thing that'll get flushed down the toilet of 'things NEVER to happen that you always get your hopes up for.' I've been crushed before...

Why? just why?

I don't know...anymore. Why do believe EVERYTHING we read in the newspapers, the magazines, on the internet and yet we question the word of God? )': please pray for me. I don't know what I'm gonna do anymore...

for our "God is a consuming fire." -Hebrews 12:29

I can't quit.

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