Thursday, August 20, 2009


Do you ever have those days where you feel like no one knows you exist? Have you ever thought that maybe you are making yourself go unnoticed? Like you're not doing anything to get noticed because you feel too hurt to bring yourself back to being noticed. Jesus notices you. He thinks about you each day. He knows what you are going through, he knows how you feel. He knows. It's hard for us to grasp the concept that God does care and He is calling you by name and telling you its alright. He will never leave you nor forsake you. No matter what you do. He loves you.

He wants you to love him too. With Christ in our lives, what can we not do? It's great to know him personally and spend time in his word and in His prescene. So comforting. It's also comforting to know that when we call on his name, he rushes in to us. I remember, two months ago, I had the worst day ever, I woke up and felt extremely broken and empty. I didn't go to school that day, too down to concentrate on anything except for the fact that I had a vast emptiness and I knew that only God could make me feel better. I recall falling to my knees, and screaming out "God!" I had tears running down my face. I felt something inside of me, I dont what it was, I remember having this feeling inside of me that had to have been from God. That feeling said 'I'm here' I still had the tears, I remember saying God over and over. And then I heard these exact words, "Get up, My Child" four words had so much comfort to them. I'm so glad they came from God. I love him to bits! He made me a new creation through Christ. I don't care what people say or do to me, I will not loose my faith. People have and will continue to be mean towards Christians. We were warned by Jesus that the world will hate us, but we must remember that it hated Jesus first.You're probably wondering what inspired to me to write this. Well, earlier today, my grandma was messing with my hair without asking. she did this twice.

made me so mad at her. she didnt understand why i hate people touching my hair without asking. It also upset me too. And when I got in my grandpas' pt, he didnt understand either.... he said get over it. thats easier said than done. I gave up on the topic, and refused to say anything. I felt unnoticed. I dont know how to explain it. I cant let satan have anything of mine. I must not loose faith or anything else required to complete this madness of life... I can't wait to see Jesus face to face. I want to leave this world when ever he calls me home. (: I love my Jesus! I never thought that I, out of all people, would say those words

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